"Mom, why are you wearing your jams*?" the boys like to ask.
Sadly I'm most often wearing my daytime attire, but I like to blur those lines, so naturally the boys get confused. Is she going to sleep, exercise, work or run errands? All of the above, my inquisitive little boys! And I'm going to be comfy!
You'd think, after several What Not to Wear marathons, I'd know better. Sorry, Clinton and Stacy, but I do at least take my too-casual clothes to the tailor!
Anyway, with the overnight change of seasons (our daytime temp went from, like, 60 to 100 degrees in a day), and my "in process" laundry status, the boys are blurring their own lines. And they thought it was pretty silly to wear daytime clothes** to bed last night.
A picture:
Now, off to do laundry!
*That's what we call pajamas. It was coined by Aunt Brownie, which is what we call Angey. Surely we could simplify things.
**Yes, muscle Ts do count as day wear in Wichita. And work wear, formal wear...you get my drift.
Long live the muscle T!