Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Eyes Runneth Over

Last week was Roman's last day at First Friends, marking the end of our family's four-year run with the fantastic mom's-day-out program.

I can't gush enough about the teachers who, for very little pay, spend Thursdays with two-, three- and four-year-olds, teaching them the things we parents sometimes forget: art, sharing, good behavior, using a toilet and bible stories.

Then, to prove they're actual angels, they manage to get 10 littles to nap in the afternoon. (On Thursday, we had the pleasure of waking up Roman before saying our goodbyes):

Anyway, just as I did in 2009 on Ben's last First Friends day, I was rendered speechless and teary-eyed, unable to eek out a "thank you" past the lump in my throat.

So, I started the mental list of "things I'm terrible at," which quickly came to include:
  • Starting things
  • Ending things
  • Planning things
  • Making lists

But, I'm feeling more positive today, after a much more successful ending-of-things: Ben's preschool graduation.

The ceremony was mostly tear-free, but for the slideshow soundtracked with "Let Them Be Little" by Sadly Sad Sack (I don't know the singer, but I do know that I'd like to poison his cereal). Even Ben got choked up, and for those of you who've seen that...well, you'll understand my Tammy Faye eyes.

So, I shall modify my list. Behold, "things that make my cup (and eyes) runneth over (week of May 14)":
  • Roman's completion of First Friends
  • Ben's graduation from preschool
  • Ben's second soccer season - done! And his soccer skills are more like Anthony's and less like mine. (Phew!)

...And, finally, something that belongs in the first list, but finds a place in the second: Ben and Roman's  inability to behave like gentleman around a pretty girl:

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