Am I a fool (yes), or does this not look like tornado weather?
Granted, I've never seen a tornado, but it's extremely calm outside right now.* And my sources (Al Roker and the ladies in Butts & Guts class) say we have bad weather ahead. Thanks, Al. Thanks, ladies...shall we squeeze in some exercise? (You too, Al!)
That brings me to my first lesson of the day: In Kansas, apparently "bad weather" includes tornadoes. Really? In California, it means a low of 65.
(Lesson #2: When Al Roker mentions your town by name, you get a lot of calls and emails from friends & family. Nice to hear from all of you! Considering a Kansas vacay?)
Anywho, I'm keeping an eye on the weather tracker and the local news. These weather trackers are pretty incredible; they can tell you, within a few blocks, when the worst of the storm is going to hit. But, just as incredible: I guess some storms can give very little warning, like the horrifying Joplin tornado over the weekend. So, maybe a look out my window is the best gauge...
...and in the three minutes I've been typing, it's grown a few shades darker out there.
Here's the current weather tracker map. (Add this to your reasons to avoid Enid, Oklahoma.) The worst storms are in red. Red, as in STOP dorking around on the computer and consider hunkering down. Or, as the locals might say, time to batten down the hatches.
*Ah, yes...the calm before the storm. I've heard of this. If you need us, we'll be in the basement. Apparently there are hatches I must batten down.
haha! I've been to Enid, OK. Multiple times. On one visit I spent the entire weekend searching for SOMETHING that said, "I (heart) Enid". Thought it would be a great keepsake. This product does not exist. Not on a pen, or a shot glass, not even a koozie at the gas station. Very disappointing.