Thursday, February 14, 2013


Epic bad scheduling on this Valentine's Day: I had an early date today with my obgyn.

But, with that behind me - yet surprisingly no flowers from Dr. S. for our annual rendezvous - time for us to to celebrate around here.

Ben, who must have been plowed with sweets at school, is currently sprinting through the house. With his shirt off. He's a drunk man in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl...and, likewise, he should pass out at any moment.
(Look at that face - he's a sugar lunatic!)

Roman, after accompanying me to the doc (but staying above-wing and out of sight, naturally), is soaking off the stress in a cozy bubble bath. Cliche' if it was me; cute, because it's him.

Reno, meanwhile, is consumed with this peanut butter-filled frozen Kong, pretty much the diamond earrings of the dog world.

And I don't require much. I hope Anthony's on his way home and not among the men at Walgreens frantically picking through Valentine's Day card rejects, which I'll totally sniff out if it's (1) in Spanish, (2) religious or (3) nine dollars.

All I want? A replay of this scene, a little porn for my mom friends. Husband in the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher, unprompted. 

Happy Valentine's Day, Sugars.