Monday, December 17, 2012

Grazie, Prego, Scusi

It's thank you, you're welcome and excuse me in Italian. 

It also pretty well describes our feelings about 2012 (mostly the grazie, but also the scusi).

And, finally, it's a great little song by Dean Martin that will make more sense if you have a few minutes to watch this video that Antony created as a fun memento to 2012. 

Here's to happy, loving weeks ahead and a million loose-screw moments in 2013. 


Monday, December 3, 2012

We're Super Cultured, Obviously

Ben, after school last week: "Today we went to a, um...a few...nuh.. A funera...."

Me: "A funeral?!"

Ben: "Uh, yeah...?"

Me: "Did someone die?!" Good lord, what were they teaching him?!

Ben: "No, no one died. There were three bears and a wolf, and singers..."

Me, after a text to an always-helpful fellow 1st grade mom: "Ben, do you mean a theater? Like theee-uh-tuh? Or maybe...was it a rehearsal?"

REHEARSAL! Yes, as my keen investigative techniques uncovered (thanks Law & Order!), the Wichita Children's Theater held an assembly, The Three Little Pigs, with singing, acting...the whole cultural shebang.

Or, for Ben to tell it: a funeral.

Meanwhile, Roman and I enjoyed our own cultural experience at Exploration Place, playing retro video games. EP's traveling exhibit is Videotopia, a look back at early video games, so it's basically a free arcade minus the creepy people. And while I don't want to mislead my kids about museums, any that offers Ms. Pac Man and Pole Position is okay with me.

Then we saw what Rome could build in a day (30 minutes, really) with this leaning tower of blocks.

I have to hand it to you, Wichita. Our definitions of culture align nicely, even if your children's plays resemble funerals.