Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lunch Lady Land

Coming this fall to my resume: volunteer lunch lady.

Yup, among the scads of forms I collected at Ben's kindergarten meeting today - health, uniforms, school supplies - was the most coveted of all: school lunch volunteer sign-ups. I couldn't resist!

So, I made a once-weekly commitment. After all, I have the time, I live nearby and, let's be honest...my favorite pastimes include (#1) spying on my kids and (#2) critiquing people's food choices. Oh, and (#3) being called a "lady."


Now, make no mistake: school lunches scare the bejeezus out of me, and I have a feeling we'll be packing picky little Ben's lunches. But, I'll gladly take the weekly bird's eye view of my son and his little pals...with a side, naturally, of fancy tomato ketchup.

 P.S. (#4) I'll do most anything to pay homage to Chris Farley in drag. (Sloppy joe, sloppy, sloppy joe...)


  1. You are classic. I'm going to pull a Biggest Loser contestant and blame school lunches for my lifetime of food issues.
