Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I Did Last Summer

With the Olympics behind us and school's start-up still a whole day away, I'm enjoying a tear-free 24 hours.

Uh, make that 19; Ben starts 1st grade tomorrow at 7:50 a.m. sharp.

So, being the last day of the boys' summer, we're also enjoying extended pajama-wearing hours and we ate breakfast for lunch.

No better time, then, to look back at this fun, funny summer we've had. The boys have grown like weeds, my outdoor plants have grown like dried herbs and I've grown to find a happy place in Wichita. Here's why:
  • I've found a pool, a drink and some friends.
  • We were in 68-degree California during Wichita's 111-degree days.
  • My boys are happy.

So, behold, our good life this summer, through a quick recap.

We performed our own Olympic event, The Springboard (that's Roman):

...and The Spectator (my event, obviously):

We had a visit from Aunt Viv...

...and paid a visit to KC to see The Foxes:

Ben cozied next to his swimming ribbons, possibly to prevent brotherly theft, or to boost his self esteem as he slept:

And, speaking of accomplishments, Roman learned to cook his own eggs. My work is done here, folks.

The boys also learned to take pictures, resulting in only a few (dozen) R-rated shots, but mostly capturing beauts like this:

We also laked...

...and t-balled:

Then rounded it all out with a vacation to California, where we played...


...and became thinkers?

Finally, in Colorado, we had the honor of seeing my brother-in-law Joey marry the wonderful Teresa:

Then my boys of summer caught their first Rockies (vs. Giants!) game at Coors Field:

We're up for a big day tomorrow, then a busy week to follow as Roman starts his last year of pre-school and I take up my dual role as frazzled mom and lunch lady extraordinaire.

But first, we'll get out of our PJs for one more pool day in this funnier-than-expected season. Summer, we anxiously await your return.

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