Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who, me? Make a mistake?!

After keeping all of his monkeys for nearly a month, Ben lost one on Friday.


See, in Mrs. Wiebe's Kindergarten class, behavior is monkey-based; each day Ben starts with three monkeys and, if he keeps all three, he colors in a green day on his calendar. If one monkey is taken for some sort of naughtiness, he has a yellow day. Two, orange; three, red. After that...well, I shudder to think.

So, his yellow day, after a month of green, had us talking about a topic I know well: making mistakes.

He asked if I made mistakes and, since I couldn't describe 1994-2003 within the four-minute ride home, I went with: "Well Ben, I broke a frame at the store today."

Roman offered his: Letting Reno eat his pb&j for the millionth time (my paraphrasing, of course).

Even Anthony offered his mistake over the phone: deleting an important file from his computer.

Anyway, all this talk about mistakes - and the fact that I can't stop making dumb ones lately - makes me think I ought to get a jumpstart on my...

Potential New Year's Resolutions List, 2012
  1. I shall check pockets before washing clothes. I thought washing a crayon was the worst. Turns out, washing and drying a box of crayons is the worst.
  2. I shall limit kid snacking, else Ben will have permanent digestive problems from the box of fig bars he ate while I was in the shower.
  3. Speaking of the shower, I shan't take such hot ones that the steam sets off the fire alarm. Not just the smoke detector, folks, but the full-on, fire-department-dispatched house alarm.
  4. I shall properly dress children for cold weather school days. Fleece pull-overs on 30-degree days make me look like the kind of mom who'd wash crayons and let kids overdo it on the figs.
  5. I shall mail birthday cards on time (sorry, Kari, and happy belated birthday!).
  6. I shall better remember people's names. Because Frederic at work did not like being called Franklin all these months.
  7. And, finally...FitnessQuest 2012 shall finally come to fruition, since it actually started as FitnessQuest 2000. 
Which reminds me...I'd better get out for a run before today's lunchtime brie en croute ("brie en CUTE," Roman called it) settles as a permanent part of my lower half.
    But before I go (#8: I shall not procrastinate...), how about a quick picture of my little monkeys in front of our neighbor's festive tree (#9: My camera shall be set to the proper exposure):


      1. I can't take it, you are the GREATEST - WRITER - EVER! No offense, Shakespeare, but this is the material I can actually relate to! And Ben: don't you dare worry about an occasional 'yellow' day, my love! Take it from your Mom and I: no one--and I mean NO ONE--likes an overachiever. Start moving in to the red and, well, you're even closer to the kind of guys your Mom and I enjoyed dating... Okay, maybe we'll hold you to yellow. xoxo

      2. Yeah, Staci, you have me thinking...what's the real-life dating equivalent? Cheat on me, lose a monkey. Highlight your hair, lose another. Make me go to therapy, one more gone. Show up in plaid pants, a bucket hat and Harry Potter glasses then steal my money...go directly to jail, do not collect $200. I think we're on to something here...

        Miss you, sister!
