Saturday, June 25, 2011

Milestones Big and Small

Being human and all, I'm always happy when human rights get a boost.

Today, I give a big thumbs up to New York for passing the milestone gay marriage bill. Gay or straight, traditional or non-traditional, may we all enjoy the kind of lifelong companionship we deserve, along with license to wear ghastly nightwear and the marriage bonus, a KitchenAid Mixer.

But, in all seriousness, I found this quote in Time, which will force me to get to my point:

Over time, people who advance liberties tend to win the argument, whether it's for women, African Americans, immigrants or the gay community. In the end, America takes the side of the people looking for rights. That's one of the wonders of this country. Eventually, we live up to our ideals. 
-Chris Matthews

I especially appreciate that this quote doesn't imply that gay rights (or women's rights, etc.) and patriotism are mutually exclusive. As can love your gay friends and love your country. And love your country for letting your gay friends love each other. How great is that?!

So, a big high-five and some serious jazz hands to you, New York.

Meanwhile, far from the politics - and comically/tragically far from passing any gay rights bills - here in Wichita, we've had a few serious milestones of our own this week.

Ben and Roman attended Little Wonders, a four-day camp of art, music and bible study (Roman is a bear; Ben's a frog)...

...and they finished their first round of swim lessons (Ben's video below):

That means they can swim on their own - just floaties for Roman - while I lounge.

So, sorry New York, but I win for milestone-of-the-week. He-ll-ooo summer; he-ll-ooo lounge chair, don't mind if I do. This should give me just the time I need to time to draft my letter: "Dear Ben and Roman, here's why Mommy and Daddy weren't married when you were born..."