Ben, after school last week: "Today we went to a, um...a few...nuh.. A funera...."
Me: "A funeral?!"
Ben: "Uh, yeah...?"
Me: "Did someone die?!" Good lord, what were they teaching him?!
Ben: "No, no one died. There were three bears and a wolf, and singers..."
Me, after a text to an always-helpful fellow 1st grade mom: "Ben, do you mean a theater? Like theee-uh-tuh? Or maybe...was it a rehearsal?"
REHEARSAL! Yes, as my keen investigative techniques uncovered (thanks
Law & Order!), the Wichita Children's Theater held an assembly,
The Three Little Pigs, with singing, acting...the whole cultural shebang.
Or, for Ben to tell it: a funeral.
Meanwhile, Roman and I enjoyed our own cultural experience at Exploration Place, playing retro video games. EP's traveling exhibit is Videotopia, a look back at early video games, so it's basically a free arcade minus the creepy people. And while I don't want to mislead my kids about museums, any that offers Ms. Pac Man and Pole Position is okay with me.
Then we saw what Rome could build in a day (30 minutes, really) with this leaning tower of blocks.
I have to hand it to you, Wichita. Our definitions of culture align nicely, even if your children's plays resemble funerals.